The McDonald Family Blog

I am trying to create a blog to share pictures and stories about our family. So many fun and memorable things happen everyday. I decided that I needed to have a quick way to share ideas, before thay are forgotten. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

We went to Atlanta for Easter Weekend with my mom and dad.  Jeff and my dad were supposed to "work" and cut down trees.  However, dad got into a fight with the chainsaw and then we got locked out of the cabin.  Dad had to get the window pane out of the kitchen window and Jeff climbed through.  So the work went out the window and we went on a monster hunt instead.  Caroline loves walking through the woods trying to find monsters.  The Easter Bunny even found us.  The girls found eggs filled with candy all over the yard and the guys even got a surprise too...Bud Light.  Katelyn was hysterical.  She would pick up one egg, shake it, and bring it to one of us to open.  Then she would follow Caroline around until the candy was gone and then try to get another one open.   Great trip to the ATL!

Finding the basket in her favorite hiding place!

MMMMM...chocolate bunny for breakfast!

Bathtime in the sink....


Coloring Eggs with Grandma

Goin' on a Monster Hunt

What's This

Easter Bunny's prize for the guys...

Egg Hunt

Packed and ready to go home!

Shake Your Booty

Katelyn loves to shake her booty....we were watching Shrek Forever After.  During ALL of the songs she would stop and bust a move!  Too funny!  Not sure why the sound didn't record.  It's still funny though.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grandma Karen's Birthday

We had roast beef dinner at Grandma Karen and Papa Joe's house for Karen's birthday today. Caroline loved being chased around the house by Darin and Katelyn was so happy that Aunt Amanda would share her ice cream.
Singing Happy Birthday

Katelyn closes her eyes and says cheese every time we get the camera out lately.  She is such a ham bone!

Spring Break Fun

We had a VERY fun "stay-cation" this year.  We went to the zoo (bundled up in winter gear), Kensington, Lakeland High School pool, Hess-Hathaway, and dinner at Grandma Dorothy's house! 
YUM-O!  Mint Chocolate Chip

They LOVE this roller slide.  Katelyn wanted to go on again and again.

Most of the time we LOVE each other!

Caroline was enthralled with the butterflies in the butterfly house at the zoo!  It was so easy to see so many of them.  It must have been becuase there were only about 20 people at the zoo that whole day.  It snow flurried on our way out!

Bundled up in the stroller...

Kensington Tractor Day

The girls with Great Grandma Dorothy!
Should have taken a picture of them with Uncle Dave!  Caroline has finally warmed up to him but Katelyn is scared to death.

We are constantly battling with Caroline to eat her dinner.  One evening we told her to go in the other room if she wasn't going to eat and that she would not be able to have a milk shake if she didn't eat her dinner.  As she left the room, she was muttering under her mom and dad are so bossy!  Three year olds!

Tractor Day at Kensington

We had a lot of fun at the Kensington Farm Center with the Grant Family.

This was so funny... 30 + 18month-3years olds listening to a story.  Our 3 sat still while everyine else was VERY busy.

Waiting for the hayride!

While the "big kids" were on the hayride.  Kristen, Katelyn and I went into the barn to see the newly born baby animals.  Katelyn honked like a goose at ALL of the animals and tried to climb in with the pigs.  She did get really mad when the piglets tried to chew on her shoes!

Tractor Craft


Katelyn has been saying no for a while.  When she finally learned how to nod her head yes, it was so cute.  She just nods her head once, and it melts my heart!