The McDonald Family Blog

I am trying to create a blog to share pictures and stories about our family. So many fun and memorable things happen everyday. I decided that I needed to have a quick way to share ideas, before thay are forgotten. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Break Fun

We had a VERY fun "stay-cation" this year.  We went to the zoo (bundled up in winter gear), Kensington, Lakeland High School pool, Hess-Hathaway, and dinner at Grandma Dorothy's house! 
YUM-O!  Mint Chocolate Chip

They LOVE this roller slide.  Katelyn wanted to go on again and again.

Most of the time we LOVE each other!

Caroline was enthralled with the butterflies in the butterfly house at the zoo!  It was so easy to see so many of them.  It must have been becuase there were only about 20 people at the zoo that whole day.  It snow flurried on our way out!

Bundled up in the stroller...

Kensington Tractor Day

The girls with Great Grandma Dorothy!
Should have taken a picture of them with Uncle Dave!  Caroline has finally warmed up to him but Katelyn is scared to death.

We are constantly battling with Caroline to eat her dinner.  One evening we told her to go in the other room if she wasn't going to eat and that she would not be able to have a milk shake if she didn't eat her dinner.  As she left the room, she was muttering under her mom and dad are so bossy!  Three year olds!

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